Haiti One on One

Haiti One on One provides an opportunity to experience the joy of giving to those whose needs are great. Interested persons donate $700 and Haiti One on One will match the amount and construct a small home for $1,400. Donors are able to help a family secure a home and often times able to provide food, clothes and furniture. It’s a great way to feel good about oneself. Haiti One on One projects have also included building a waterline to a village of 7,000 people, providing fresh drinking water.

Tek4Kids’ initial connection with Haiti One on One was through Joe Desrochers, aTek4Kids board member. Haiti One on One and Tek4Kids regularly collaborate on construction projects with our partnered schools. Some of these projects have included installing drinking fountains and restrooms in schools. On a regular basis, we share information on how to improve and support the education needs of students and the community of Jeremie.

Contact: joseph.e.desrochers@gmail.com

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