These surveys were designed to provide an opportunity for Tek4Kids to gather feedback about its current projects from those who are receiving its services. The surveys were completed anonymously by 126 students and 26 teachers at Tek4Kids' partner schools. They were written in English and translated into French. Survey responses were then translated back into English.
The Work of Tek4Kids in General
When the students and teachers at Tek4Kids' partner schools were asked if they thought the work of Tek4Kids had influenced their every day life...
78% said yes, a lot,
6% said yes, somewhat,
12% said yes, a little bit,
and 4% said no.
Tek4Kids is improving our lives. They are contributing to the progress of our country and are encouraging me to persevere with my desire to help the world in the future.
School and City
When the students and teachers at Tek4Kids' partner schools were asked if they thought the work of Tek4Kids had touched their school or city...
95% said yes, and 5% said no.
The Future
When the students and teachers at Tek4Kids' partner schools were asked if they thought the work of Tek4Kids would influence their future...
84% said yes, a lot, 4% said, yes somewhat,
8% said yes, a little bit, and 4% said no.
Tek4Kids has helped us modernize.
Traveling iPads
Do you learn more from using iBooks?
When the students and teachers at Tek4Kids' partner schools were asked if they thought using iBooks on iPads helped them learn more...
60% said it helped a lot,
17% said it helped somewhat,
21% said it helped a little bit,
and 2% said it did not help.
Teaching with iPads puts us in contact with the world.
It unifies teaching at a global level.- ST. LOUIS HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT
Educational Games
When the students and teachers at Tek4Kids' partner schools were asked if playing educational games on iPads helped them learn more...
59% said it helped a lot, 5% said it helped somewhat,
29% said it helped a little bit, and 7% said it did not help.
Educational Videos
When the students and teachers at Tek4Kids' partner schools were asked if watching educational videos on iPads helped them learn more...
58% said it helped a lot, 21% said it helped somewhat,
19% said it helped a little bit, and 2% said it did not help.
With an iPad, you can learn
while having fun.- ST. LOUIS HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT
Computer Classes
Increased Employability
When the students and teachers at Tek4Kids' partner schools were asked if they thought the skills they were learning in computer classes would increase their chances of finding a job...
70% said chances would increase a lot,
14% said chances would increase somewhat,
14% said chances would increase a little bit,
and 2% said chances would not increase.
With computer classes I can say that my life has changed because each week, I learn something new.
Useful Skills
When the students at Tek4Kids' partner schools were asked if they thought the computer skills they were learning would be useful in their jobs...
82% said very useful, 3% said somewhat useful,
14% said a little bit useful, and 1% said not useful.
Interest in Computers
When the students at Tek4Kids' partner schools were asked if they were interested in learning computer skills...
97% said very interested, 0% said somewhat interested,
3% said a little interested, and 0% said not interested.
Before Tek4Kids came to my school, I knew nothing about computers; now I have learned the basics and am comfortable using a computer.
Water Purification Systems
Ability to Concentrate
When the students at Tek4Kids' partner schools were asked if their ability to concentrate at school had changed since they started drinking water from the water purification system...
50% said it got a lot better,
12% said it got a little better,
37% said it did not change,
and 1% said it got worse.
The purification system has had an impact
on my academic life because when you are thirsty
you cannot think.- ST. LOUIS HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT
Health Improvement
When the students at Tek4Kid's partner schools were asked how much their health had improved overall since they started drinking water from the water purification system...
43% said it improved a lot, 16% said it improved a little,
39% said it did not change, and 2% said it got worse.
When the students at Tek4Kids' partner schools were asked if the frequency of their sickness related absences had changed since they started drinking purified water...
47% said they were a lot less frequent, 4% said they were a little less frequent,
43% said there was no change, and 6% said they were more frequent.
My memory is better now.
Basic School Infrastructure
When the students and teachers at Tek4Kids' partner schools were asked if they had seen the effects of having electricity at their schools...
84% said yes,
and 16% said no.
Electricity lets the computer lab work and allows me to spend more time at school, spending evenings at school.
Because of electricity we have water to drink
and can type our tests.- BROTHER PAULIN SCHOOL STUDENT