Every year, March 8th is honored as International Women’s Day (IWD) around the world. Our team in Haiti is celebrating the month of March as women’s month in conjunction with IWD and using its theme, Choose to Challe壯陽藥
nge, to motivate and encourage one another.
Marichka Milord initiated and coordinated the celebration of IWD to highlight the achievements and contributions of women working with Tek4Kids and our partner organizations. The month-long emphasis supports diversity, equality and inclusion and focuses on women’s contributions in the STEM field. As part of the campaign, Milord produced videos featuring two accomplished women in our organization, Laura Desmangles and Dana Cazeau.
Milord also organized a conference held on March 8th at the Jeremie Enterprise and Technology (JET) center, which included round-table discussions about the role of women in society and the challenges and injustices that women in Haiti face. Milord, along with St. Francis School of Technology teachers Delice Dorvil and Rony Jean Baptiste, moderated the discussions.
Both moderators and participants asserted that women in Haitian are often seen as the ones responsible for domestic tasks, while men are breadwinners and are given more educational and career opportunities. Participants maintained that women should hold other important roles in society, as they are quite capable of adding value to society in more ways than taking care of their household.
Participants also considered the importance of creating an inclusive society where everyone’s contributions are valued, regardless of gender. This requires a shift in thinking and becoming aware of deep-rooted biases and conditioning. Seeing each gender as equal leads to providing equal opportunities for them. In addition, participants stressed that change begins at home, so shaping children’s perception of gender is vital.