Donating to Tek4Kids Through Facebook

Looking for an easy and convenient way to donate to Tek4Kids? If you’re a Facebook user, we’ve made it as simple as clicking our new Tek4Kids “Donate” button. The button is located on our Facebook homepage: You then select the amount you’d like to donate, enter your credit or debit card information and voila!, you are now one of our valued Tek4Kids donors!

Facebook charges no fees for donations to nonprofits and issues payouts on a bi-weekly basis. Your donation will be received by Tek4Kids and we will issue the usual tax statement at the end of the year (if you provide your contact information). Facebook users can also set up fundraisers for nonprofits such as Tek4Kids and include our donate button.

Our gallery below includes screen shots of our Facebook home page and a fundraiser page created for building the new St. Francis School of Technology. Please feel free to contact office manager Cheryl Davis at if you have any questions about donating to Tek4Kids!

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