2021 Challenges and Victories

Dear Tek4Kids Supporters, Thank you! We greatly appreciate the prayers and support from all of you. You are helping to make a difference in many lives and in our mission in Haiti. As 2021 is coming to a close, Haiti continues to struggle with multiple, unrelenting crises including on-going earthquakes, hurricanes, assassinations, gangs, and corruption. … Continue reading 2021 Challenges and Victories

Looking Back and Looking Ahead!

Looking Back . . . Tek4Kids is doing wonderful things in Jeremie, Haiti! We are educating over 2,500 students each week in technology and using technology for an improved educational process. As a result, students can lead more productive, safe and healthy lives, eventually becoming leaders in education, business and government. 2020 was a difficult year world-wide and Tek4Kids did its part to support Jeremie through … Continue reading Looking Back and Looking Ahead!

Tek4Kids Celebrates International Women’s Day

Every year, March 8th is honored as International Women’s Day (IWD) around the world. Our team in Haiti is celebrating the month of March as women’s month in conjunction with IWD and using its theme, Choose to Challe壯陽藥 nge, to motivate and encourage one another. Marichka Milord initiated and coordinated the celebration of IWD to … Continue reading Tek4Kids Celebrates International Women’s Day

Tek4Kids Welcomes New Staff Member

Tek4Kids gladly welcomes Marichka Milord as our newest staff member in Haiti. Here are her words of introduction: “I am excited to join Tek4Kids as the organization’s values and mission align with mine. From creating content and managing social media to developing internal and external communication strategies, I will be helping with the success of … Continue reading Tek4Kids Welcomes New Staff Member

Bequests: Another Way to Support Tek4Kids

Through various types of bequests to Tek4Kids, you may secure a charitable estate-tax deduction for the value of the gift. Best of all, you will know that your generosity will support Tek4Kids’ mission for years to come. You may prefer to state in your will or trust a sum of money or a percentage of … Continue reading Bequests: Another Way to Support Tek4Kids

Tek4Kids Fall Virtual Tech Summit

The Tek4Kids Fall Virtual Tech Summit takes place on Wednesday, September 2, 2020 from 12:00-12:45 pm. Learn how Tek4Kids uses education and technology to change students’ lives in Haiti. The summit will explore new possibilities for learning and invite your ideas for improving education, particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic. The free event will live stream … Continue reading Tek4Kids Fall Virtual Tech Summit

Help Stop the Spread Partnership

Like most other countries on this planet, Haiti is dealing with confirmed cases of coronavirus infections. Unlike most countries, Haiti has the least resources for coping with the ravages of this pandemic. To date, the town of Jeremie, Haiti has no known cases of coronavirus infections. The quick implementation of PREVENTIVE MEASURES is the best … Continue reading Help Stop the Spread Partnership

Preparing for the Covid-19 Pandemic in Haiti

Along with partners around the globe, Tek4Kids observed World Water Day on March 22nd amidst the growing covid-19 pandemic. The day highlights the importance of fresh, clean water and is used to advocate for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. Tek4Kids is keenly aware of the importance of clean water during the current crisis. One … Continue reading Preparing for the Covid-19 Pandemic in Haiti